SALA Specializes in These Legal Matters
PUBLIC BENEFITS: Social Security and SSI (except disability cases); Medicare and Medi-Cal; and In Home Support Services.
LONG TERM CARE: Nursing Home and Residential Care issues; Alternatives to Institutionalization.
ELDER ABUSE: Restraining/Protective Orders for Elder Abuse, Domestic Violence or Civil Harassment Restraining Orders; Revocation of Powers of Attorney (for fiduciary abuse).
HOUSING: Landlord-Tenant; Subsidized/Senior Housing; Mobile Home Residency problems.
CONSUMER: Medicare HMO or Supplemental Insurance disputes; Long-Term Care Insurance problems.
INCAPACITY PLANNING: Advance Health Care Directives; Health Care Powers of Attorney; Uniform Stautory Form Powers of Attorney (for financial management).
PROBATE ALTERNATIVES: Death of Joint Tenant Affidavits; Small Estate Affidavits (valued at $166,250 or less).
SIMPLE WILLS: California Statutory Wills or holographic wills for elders with modest assets
SALA's Self-Help Packets
SALA offers "self-help" packets to clients in the following areas:
- Affidavit - Death of Joint Tenant
- Small Estate Affidavit (for estates valued at $166,250 or less)
- Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney
- Revocation of Power of Attorney
- Holographic Will
- Statutory Will (for elders with very modest estates)
Clients wishing to obtain a self-help packet must go through the regular appointment process so that an attorney can assess whether the packet is appropriate for their particular case.
Legal Matters Not Handled by SALA
SALA’s attorneys are not able to handle all legal matters brought to us. For matters that we cannot handle, we make every effort to provide elders with appropriate information and/or to make a referral.
In many cases, we are able to provide elders with legal information or "Self-Help" packets (with forms) to enable them to resolve their legal matters themselves.
In selected civil matters, SALA will make referrals to the Pro Bono Project of Silicon Valley for free legal assistance by one of their volunteer attorneys. Other referrals for free legal assistance can also be made.
Elders may contact our Central Office and request our "Self-Screening Handout" if they are not sure SALA can help them, or they can schedule a SALA appointment at a senior center. If we assess that their matter is something that we cannot handle, we will provide them with information and/or make a referral.