An Invitation To Support SALA
SALA is prohibited by the Older Americans Act from charging fees for service or from accepting fee generating cases. As such, the primary sources that can support our services are grants and contributions. Even though SALA's services are partially supported by 15 major grant sources, we continue to be faced with an increasing demand for services and rising operating costs that are not covered by these funds. In this current climate, contributions of money or time may be the only way SALA can continue to meet the elder population's increasing need for legal services. You may support SALA's services in the following ways:
Contributions from Community Donors
NEW - You may now donate online! Please click here.
SALA accepts contributions from donors in the community at any time. Unless designated for a specific purpose, such contributions are used where the need is greatest. Community donors will be publicly acknowledged in SALA's donor roster for their annual support in the following categories: Benefactor ($1,000 or more); Patron ($500-$999); Sponsor ($250-$499); Partner ($100-$249); Individual ($1-$99). You may donate online here or send checks by mail to SALA at 1425 Koll Circle, Suite 109, San Jose, California 95112.
Contributions From the Legal Community
NEW - You may now donate online! Please click here.
Members of the legal profession can also receive recognition for their annual monetary support through SALA's Lawyers Circle. Lawyers Circle contributors are acknowledged by listing their names or law firms in the following categories: Benefactor ($1,000/+); Patron ($500-$999); Sponsor ($250-$499); Partner ($100 -$249); Associate ($1-$99). You may donate online here or send checks by mail to SALA at 1425 Koll Circle, Suite 109, San Jose, California 95112.
Trusts, Bequests, and Other Planned Gifts
Planned giving is another way to support SALA. By naming SALA in your Will, Trust, or as a beneficiary of your life insurance, you can make a gift to us without diminishing your assets during your lifetime. However, we recommend that you seek independent advice as to the tax consequences of any such gifts.
Gifts of Stock or Securities
SALA also accepts gifts of stock or securities. We recommend that you seek independent advice as to the tax consequences of any such gifts.
Friendraiser Host
SALA Friendraisers are informal social events that provide a forum for us to thank our supporters and to talk about how we can better reach out to the community. We are always looking for persons who are willing to open their home or office to host a Friendraiser. Law offices are especially encouraged to serve as hosts.
A Final Note
Please consider SALA if you are thinking about donating your time, giving an annual contribution, or making a planned gift this year. Direct monetary contributions to SALA are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. There may also be positive tax consequences through planned giving to SALA. Be sure to consult your tax advisor or attorney. SALA thanks all of you who have given in the past and we hope we can count upon your support again.
If you are interested in supporting SALA through a planned gift, a gift of stock, as a Friendraiser host, or through our annual golf tournament, please contact Georgia Bacil, the Directing Attorney of SALA at